Do not rub or touch the treated area till the next morning. This includes not having any facial treatments, laser or massages.
Do not lie down for the next 4-6 hours as you may inadvertently affect the adjacent muscle (this applies to anti-wrinkle treatment only).
Do not consume alcohol 24 hours before or after the appointment.
Do not apply makeup for 12 hours post treatment to avoid the risk of infection.
Avoid exercise for the next 24 hours and any exposure to any heat treatments such as sauna, hot tub or tanning for 48 hours as it will
make your treatment less effective.
Avoid medicines such as ibuprofen (Nurofen) or diclofenac (Voltaren) for the next 24 hours if medically appropriate. There is a small risk
of bruising; it is generally minor and can be covered up with make-up after 24 hours. Arnica tablets can be taken to help reduce
Avoid any hot or cold drinks if you have had your lips treated.
Avoid facials, laser, microdermabrasion etc, for 2 weeks post treatment.
Paracetamol is recommended for pain. If you experience severe pain, please contact Ashlee immediately.
(This applies to Dermal Filler only)
Necrosis is extremely rare but it can occur. If your skin is blanching (turning white) for longer than 3 seconds when pressing down on the
treated area please contact Ashlee immediately on 0423 063 316. As well as if you experience severe swelling, bruising or pain.
As with any procedure, there are risks involved. If dermal filler gets into a facial artery, it can block or partial block the artery. This
can stop the blood flow going through the artery resulting in cell death, necrosis. The filler will then need to be dissolved immediately.
Our clients safety is our priority and therefore we are trained and prepared for adverse events.